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Title: Users Awareness Programme
Keywords: NDLI Club
User Awareness Programme
Issue Date: 22-Jun-2023
Abstract: On Wednesday, 22nd June 2023, an online User Awareness Programme on the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) and NDLI Club was organized by the Krishna Kanta Handiqui Central Library, Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous). The event was graced by Ms. Phulasmita Nath, Project Officer, NDLI-NERC, IIT Guwahati as resource person. She highlighted the various aspects and use of NDLI and the NDLI Club. As registered members of the NDLI Club, users from J. B. College -NDLI Club can access the national and global database of NDLI. The meeting was presided by the NDLI club president and college librarian Mr. Digbijoy Das where more than 100 registered participants were actively engaged. Before the end of the program, Mr. Das expressed his vote of thanks for their gracious presence and for making the event a successful one.
Appears in Collections:Users Awareness Programme on National Digital Library of India and NDLI CLUB organized in association with NDLI Club J.B. College (Autonomous)

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